Email Richard
About Richard
Music Experience--Richard
- Winner of Numerous State Contests in Oregon & Washington. Eileen Hagen Studio.
- National Titles in New York in solo, duet, quintet, and orchestra divisions.
- Additional Instruction: Ray Lewis, Los Angeles, CA (approximately 4 months in late 1970s)
- Dance and Combo Experience for 20 years.
- Soloist for 10+ years. Community Events, Dinner Parties, Restaurants, Concerts, and more.
- Active supporter and consultant for the worldwide Roland v-accordion community.
- Development of popular programming for the Roland v-accordions--FR-8x, Bugari Evo, 7x, 4x, 3x, and 1x.
- Youtube Channel with more than 10 Million hits, 14,000 subscribers, entirely dedicated to the digital accordion.
- Resides in Bakersfield, California.
Music Experience--Janice
- Songwriter, Singer, Multi-Instrumentalist (Guitar, Percussion, Oboe, Banjo, & more)
- Member of Award-Winning Children's Group, "Parachute Express"
- Performances at The Kennedy Center, White House, Universal Amphitheater
- Artist in Residence, Ventura County Schools
Bonhomie Duo
- Timeless Music--Multiple Genres
- Creative Intertwining of Diverse Musical Backgrounds
- Standards, Rock, Country, Folk, Swing, Latin, French, Italian, German, and more
- Email Bonhomie at or to